Private and Trustworthy

Privacy is our focus. We are fully aware of the sensitive nature of your data. We have privacy-aware procedures and a clear and ethical business model.

  • No ads or product placements: You will not be bombarded by ads. Your usage will not be shared with advertisers. We will not recommend any specific products or try to refer you to any service or professional in order to fund our business.

  • No data brokers or other types of data trade (referrals, etc). Fertility Friend does not consider your data for sale or trade in any way. Your data is not a currency at Fertility Friend.

  • Clear funding: Fertility Friend is totally funded by its premium features membership. This means independence and impartiality. You are Fertility Friend's customer and our loyalty is to YOU. If you do not know how a "totally free" App/Service is funded, or if you know it is funded with ads, referrals, or your data, you are likely the product that is sold, not the customer.

  • Health Data: Your health data is like a finger print. Even if "anonymized" it has the potential to identify you when cross-referenced with other data. We do not engage in any data trade or referral for this reason.

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