Track your own fertility signs with Fertility Friend. It’s the only way to know your real fertile days and ovulation date unique to YOU. Tell Me More
Fertility Friend takes all your data entry into account to find out your fertile days based on your own patterns.
As you enter data, Fertility Friend finds the signs of your ovulation and your most fertile days.
Once you have ovulated, Fertility Friend can assess your data for any signs of pregnancy.
Fertility Friend will suggest the best test date to minimize your wait and help to avoid ambiguity and disappointment by testing too early.
Fertility Friend accurately interprets your signs to create your custom chart and calendar. Tell Me More
Look at your cycle at a glance on a color coded calendar: Instantly see your fertile days and predicted periods.
Fertility Friend's fertility chart is an extremely compact way to look at all your signs as well as Fertility Friend's interpretation. You can clearly see your ovulation and fertile window. You can see your timing and how your different signs come together.
Ultra-Precise and reliable to help you get pregnant faster. Tell Me More
By focusing your baby making effort on your actual fertile days you can dramatically increase your chance of pregnancy.
Documenting your trying to concieve journey helps to evaluate potential issues and collaboration with your healthcare provider if needed.
The trusted way to find your fertile days:
Complete & easy fertility tracking: Track your Basal Body Temperature, Cervical Fluid, Ovulation Predictor Kits and all your fertility signs as needed. Tell Me More
Fertility Friend provides an extensive fertility signs tracking system.
You can track your fertility signs, fertility procedures as well as personal situations.
Your data entry can be customized and tailored to your needs.
Custom data to fit to your own situation: Add any data, meds or procedures as you need them to make your chart clearer and accurate.
Instant analysis of your data including ovulation detection: Accurate ovulation detection based on your own data and Fertility Friend's extensive experience. Tell Me More
Fertility Friend will recognize your ovulation pattern and adapt to your specific case. It will display clear crosshairs indicating ovulation on your chart:
Fertility Friend has analyzed millions of charts over the years. Access the most extensive knowledge and capabilities in fertility chart interpretation with Fertility Friend.
Advanced analysis to gain deep insight: find your patterns, compare your charts and explore your fertility signs to figure out what is going on at each step. Tell Me More
Fertility Friend's advanced analysis tools show you your specific fertility patterns and lets you compare from cycle to cycle:
Fertility Friend makes your fertility data mean something to YOU.
Your fertility cycle shouldn't be a mystery. Fertility Friend teaches you about your body's reproductive functions and fertility charting. You can start by our short videos and learn the basics in 10 minutes or get a deeper understanding via Fertility Friend's popular self-paced fertility charting course.
Fertility Friend makes it fun and easy to learn what wasn't taught in your high school health class!
Designed by education professionals, Fertility Friend's educational material clearly explains your body's fertility signals and how to interpret them to increase your conception chances.
You have access to a database of Q&As, simple videos and an optional online course. A wealth of knowledge is literally at your fingertips.
Should you need more information, you can refer to Fertility Friend's detailed eBook with 80+ commented charts.
Join a vibrant community of adult women to share and support each other. You are not alone.
Browse and search a large gallery of real life chart. 150,000+ charts contributed by members to compare your cycles to and get stats.
Find inspirational trying to conceive stories. Thousands of stories tagged and indexed to uncover stories that resonate with your situation.
Pregnancy test result archive with brand search and stats.
Ultrasound image results with filters including amazing 3D pictures.
Fertility Friend's community by the numbers:
User Submitted Galleries | |
![]() | 237000 Charts |
![]() | 900 Trying To Conceive Stories |
![]() | 7000 Charting Course Certificates |
![]() | 43000 Pregnancy Tests Results |
No ads or product placements: You will not be bombarded by ads. Your usage will not be shared with advertisers. We will not recommend any specific products or try to refer you to any service or professional in order to fund our business.
No data brokers or other type of data trade (referrals, etc). Fertility Friend does not consider your data for sale or trade in any way. Your data is not a currency at Fertility Friend.
Clear funding: Fertility Friend is totally funded by its premium features membership. This means independence and impartiality. You are Fertility Friend's customer and our loyalty is to YOU. If you do not know how a "totally free" App/Service is funded, or if you know it is funded with ads, referrals, or your data, you are likely the product that is sold, not the customer.
Health Data: Your health data is like a finger print. Even if "anonymized" it has the potential to identify you when cross referenced with other data. We do not engage in any data trade or referral for this reason.
Privacy is our focus. We are fully aware of the sensitive nature of your data. We have privacy-aware procedures and a clear and ethical business model.
Signup now to put the best odds on your side.
Get access to a second-to-none free service for all your fertility charting needs.
The free membership includes access to the web site, mobile web access, iPhone/iPad App as well an Android App.
Benefit from an advanced ovulation detector based on your fertility signs and other accurate tools to explore and understand your cycle data.
Gain a lifelong knowledge and dramatically improve your chances of conception.
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